Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How to Find Clients for Your Recruiting Business (Part 2) - Workology

How to Find Clients for Your Recruiting Business (Part 2) Did you read part 1 in this series? Click here if not. For those who want to hear the rest of my thoughts, read on reader! 5. PITCH IT TO THEM AND HOPE FOR THE BEST This is where I think I lot of sales people miss it. I have received multiple emails over the years from sales people who think I am a company looking to hire multiple software developers. This gives me serious doubts about their professionalism because 1) they were too busy (or lazy) to verify that I would make a potential client and 2) they  focused too much on quantity (spam everyone and hope to get lucky), rather than a qualitative approach. In other words, focus on the few best chances of business instead of going for all the business and getting none. Make sense? If I had a few data scientists on tap and wanted to get the attention of a potential client (of course, presuming I had the permission of those I previously interviewed), I might send them an email that looks something like this. (1) SUBJECT: Pat, I agree with what your CEO said Pat, (2) I read in “Healthcare IT News” that your CEO believes that “the chief appeals of KnowledgeEdge Enterprise is that its a package deal. To the extent that you can take all the technologies and package them into a product.” Well said. (3) I talk to Big Data Scientists everyday and you would be surprised how often this comes up in my conversations with them. (4) Are you open to a 3-minute call to get better acquainted? Please advise Cheers, (5) Jim Stroud Super Duper Recruiter Phone: 404-123-4567 Okay, although it goes without saying, do not add numbers to your email. I have things numbered above for easy reference. This is the purpose of each section. (1) A short and interesting subject line to grab attention and incentivize them to read the email I sent. (2) I identify where I read a recent news item about the company. (3) I give a reason why they may want to talk with you. (I know they are looking for a data scientist wink). (4) A very short call that will hopefully, open the door for new business. (fingers crossed). (5) Your contact info. Does the above make sense to you? Hope so. Hmm… I am realizing now that I forgot to mention how I found that quote from Healthcare IT News. I basically did a search on Google for the company name and focused the search to the past year or so until I found something interesting. (Too fast? Okay, I clicked the Search tools button [1] and then moused down the options under Any time. [2] See below.) If you like this kind of thing, you will love my book Resume Forensics: How to Find Free Resumes and Passive Candidates on Google. Click here and use discount code 8LLZ6UG5. You can also click here to download my book and read it on your Kindle. And, read the reviews here. Okay, so enough of that. I would be very curious to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment below? I would also appreciate a tweet, a plus one, a like, a share or any other type of social validation. Cool? Cool -Jim P.S. Are we connected on LinkedIn? If not, why not? Lets network!

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